Posts In: Uncategorized

Creating a Facebook Business Page

December 5, 2018 Uncategorized 0

Facebook has over two billion monthly active users worldwide! With this many people actively using the platform, it is almost impossible for any business to...

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Benefits of being a Paperless Office

January 2, 2018 Uncategorized 0

Have you ever heard someone use the word paper to describe a fast process? No? This is because paper-based processes are slow, tedious, inefficient, and...

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When to Post on Social Media!

December 14, 2017 Uncategorized 0

The reach of your post is dependent on the level of activity of your audience at the time of posting. This means that the posts...

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Why is it important to have a mobile-friendly website?

December 11, 2017 Uncategorized 0

So you spent a bag of money creating a website a couple of years ago and now people are telling you don’t have a mobile-friendly...

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How to determine your USP!

May 24, 2017 Uncategorized 0

USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition or Unique Selling Point. It is the thing that differentiates a product or service from its competitors. Unique Selling...

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Why Small Businesses Need to Invest in Digital Marketing

May 19, 2017 Uncategorized 0

A few decades ago, small businesses invested their marketing and advertising budget in white/yellow pages (Not Happy Jan!), newspaper ads, and/or printed flyers.  This would...

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Why Your Paid Ad is not Appearing in Search Results!

May 18, 2017 Uncategorized 0

So you have set up Google ad words and you can’t help but check it out! You enter in some magic words and boom …....

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Why Small Businesses Choose to hire a Digital Marketing consultant

May 18, 2017 Uncategorized 0

When you are a small business owner, you are responsible for every aspect of your business. This often means you will have to either master...

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How to deal with a Negative Online Review!

May 17, 2017 Uncategorized 0

Social media is a great medium to create awareness and loyalty for your business. However, it also allows unhappy customers and competing businesses to voice...

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Reasons to Implement your Own Online Ordering Solution by Paper2Apps

March 3, 2017 Uncategorized 0

The #1 question we get asked by Restaurants is “Why Should I Implement my Own Online Ordering Solution?”. We don’t usually get much time to...

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